Thursday, April 12, 2012



 Appearance deals with every aspect of how we perceive an individual. We form opinions about people based on that individual's appearance, smell, cleanliness, emails, and mannerisms. Appearance defines how we treat others or are treated by others. Appearance has a significant impact on your success in the workplace. Good grooming and appropriate dress inspire customer confidence and help to create a pleasant work environment for all. In the workplace looking the part is the key aspect of most forms of employment. Because of our actions and appearances others may form a lasting and sometimes detrimental impression of us.

By not looking your best at an interview may cause you a hard time convincing the hiring manager you are right for the job.

Email Appearance

  An email appearance should look like a formal communication with a greeting, a closing, and a signature file that tells who you are, your title, department, work address, and telephone number. Along with email appearance is also having good email etiquette. The reasons for email etiquette are because of professionalism; it will show that your company conveys a professional image. The efficiency of the email is more effective. Also, it will help protect you from sending something that was unprofessional. Its good to have email etiquette because it allows you to be aware of email risks.    

Here are five email etiquette rules that will help you:
  1. Be concise and to the point.
  2. Answer all questions and preempt further questions.
  3. Use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  4. Use proper structure and layout.
  5. Read the email before you send it. 

                PHYSICAL APPEARANCE:

Physical appearance can affect one's job prospects, promotion opportunities, and relative income. Keep in mind that personal hygiene is important no matter what job is being done. Not only does it prevent growth of bacteria and other organisms on the skin, but its a courtesy to co-workers, students, and everybody you might come in contact with.


There is no excuse for not being groomed, neat, practicing good personal hygiene or using correct or polite behavior. Remember your clothes, manners, and mannerisms are all on display. Within the first 60 seconds your self-confidence, and ability to present yourself is assessed, don't let your appearance hinder your capability to promote yourself accurately.

Saturday, April 7, 2012



Leadership means that you are willing to take responsibility and make choices for yourself. Its a responsibility that you took upon yourself because you believe that you are the best man or woman for the job. Once the decision is made, you can become a leader. A leader is one who goes first and leads by example, so others are motivated to follow him/her. Leadership is an effective leader who needs to be able to create more leaders on his or her team. Leaders do not compromise  or lose focus. Leadership skills are learn, you are not born with these skills. Every opportunity that comes your way to develop these skills make sure you take on the role. Here is a video on the qualities of a leader.

As a leader, you need to build a high level of cooperation. What is cooperation? Cooperation is the process of working or acting together, willingness to cooperate, to help out or get involved. The team must learn to work together, when working together, you need to not only perform your tasks and execute your plans, but also help your teammates accomplish theirs, too. Cooperation is important because without agreement and coordination we cannot accomplish what we need to do. You should show cooperation when you:
  • Work in a small group to accomplish a task.
  • Allow each person in a group to have a say 
  • Try to use everyone's ideas
  • Do your fair share of the work on a project
This is a video that will tell you how important cooperation is:

Conflict (Sisters)

Barbara: I would like to go to Tallahassee to shop this Saturday.
Ellen: No we are not going there because that is too long of a drive. I prefer to go to Albany.
Barbara:  This should not be a problem for you, because I will be doing the driving not you. By the way there is nothing that great in Albany that I desire to have. We always goes there.
Ellen: OK since I'm not driving. I understand now. No problem, I will go with you.