Thursday, April 12, 2012



 Appearance deals with every aspect of how we perceive an individual. We form opinions about people based on that individual's appearance, smell, cleanliness, emails, and mannerisms. Appearance defines how we treat others or are treated by others. Appearance has a significant impact on your success in the workplace. Good grooming and appropriate dress inspire customer confidence and help to create a pleasant work environment for all. In the workplace looking the part is the key aspect of most forms of employment. Because of our actions and appearances others may form a lasting and sometimes detrimental impression of us.

By not looking your best at an interview may cause you a hard time convincing the hiring manager you are right for the job.

Email Appearance

  An email appearance should look like a formal communication with a greeting, a closing, and a signature file that tells who you are, your title, department, work address, and telephone number. Along with email appearance is also having good email etiquette. The reasons for email etiquette are because of professionalism; it will show that your company conveys a professional image. The efficiency of the email is more effective. Also, it will help protect you from sending something that was unprofessional. Its good to have email etiquette because it allows you to be aware of email risks.    

Here are five email etiquette rules that will help you:
  1. Be concise and to the point.
  2. Answer all questions and preempt further questions.
  3. Use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  4. Use proper structure and layout.
  5. Read the email before you send it. 

                PHYSICAL APPEARANCE:

Physical appearance can affect one's job prospects, promotion opportunities, and relative income. Keep in mind that personal hygiene is important no matter what job is being done. Not only does it prevent growth of bacteria and other organisms on the skin, but its a courtesy to co-workers, students, and everybody you might come in contact with.


There is no excuse for not being groomed, neat, practicing good personal hygiene or using correct or polite behavior. Remember your clothes, manners, and mannerisms are all on display. Within the first 60 seconds your self-confidence, and ability to present yourself is assessed, don't let your appearance hinder your capability to promote yourself accurately.

Saturday, April 7, 2012



Leadership means that you are willing to take responsibility and make choices for yourself. Its a responsibility that you took upon yourself because you believe that you are the best man or woman for the job. Once the decision is made, you can become a leader. A leader is one who goes first and leads by example, so others are motivated to follow him/her. Leadership is an effective leader who needs to be able to create more leaders on his or her team. Leaders do not compromise  or lose focus. Leadership skills are learn, you are not born with these skills. Every opportunity that comes your way to develop these skills make sure you take on the role. Here is a video on the qualities of a leader.

As a leader, you need to build a high level of cooperation. What is cooperation? Cooperation is the process of working or acting together, willingness to cooperate, to help out or get involved. The team must learn to work together, when working together, you need to not only perform your tasks and execute your plans, but also help your teammates accomplish theirs, too. Cooperation is important because without agreement and coordination we cannot accomplish what we need to do. You should show cooperation when you:
  • Work in a small group to accomplish a task.
  • Allow each person in a group to have a say 
  • Try to use everyone's ideas
  • Do your fair share of the work on a project
This is a video that will tell you how important cooperation is:

Conflict (Sisters)

Barbara: I would like to go to Tallahassee to shop this Saturday.
Ellen: No we are not going there because that is too long of a drive. I prefer to go to Albany.
Barbara:  This should not be a problem for you, because I will be doing the driving not you. By the way there is nothing that great in Albany that I desire to have. We always goes there.
Ellen: OK since I'm not driving. I understand now. No problem, I will go with you.

Thursday, March 29, 2012



Self-esteem means how you feel about yourself. Having good self-esteem is great but low self-esteem causes problems. Self-esteem also mean thinking as highly of yourself as you think of your peers. Remember your level of self-esteem affects how you deal with people and situations. If you have high self-esteem, you see others as equals and co-workers ,not threats; but if your self-esteem is low, you see people as being threats. Self-esteem allows you to do good in everything that you set your mind on doing. Good self-esteem will allow you to want to have your work on time, do a good quality work and help others also achieve.
Self-esteem makes an essential contribution to the life process; which means it is indispensable to normal and healthy development. When we lack positive self-esteem our psychological growth is stunted. With low self-esteem we tend to avoid pain than to experience joy. Negatives have more power over positives. If we have good confident in ourselves, we tend to experience more challenges and opportunities that are available to us. Develop good self-esteem, not bad self-esteem.

Here are some ways to improve your self-esteem:
  1. Identify troubling situations.
  2. Become aware of thoughts and beliefs.
  3. Challenge negative thinking.
  4. Adjust your thoughts and beliefs.
Remember you do not have to be happy about every aspect of yourself to have a reasonable self-esteem, just accept yourself as good enough. Take a look at the video that tells you how to overcome self-esteem through your mind:

Thursday, March 22, 2012



 Character defines everything about a person. Isn't not just what we do for others to see, it's who we are even when no one is watching. Good character is doing the right thing because its the right thing to do. Character is what determines our responses to life situations. Character is a set of qualities or values that shape our thoughts, actions, reactions, and feelings. People with strong character show compassion, are honest, and fair, display self-discipline in setting and meeting goals, make good judgments, shows respect to others and maintain self-respect.

Character is an important factor in any sort of environment involving other people. The environment could be at school, around teachers, other students, at work, where interactions with people could bring out the true side of a person under stress. Good character is beneficial to you, having good character means that you have admirable traits. People enjoy and respect you more if you have  good character traits.

Ways that I can improve my character:
Practice self-discipline, develop a stronger will power, and improve my motivation skills.  
Here is a video on Good Character vs Bad

Thursday, March 15, 2012



Respect is a quality we are all capable of giving to others and we should also expect to get it back. Respect is no matter what your job is always have respect for yourself and do your job well. Respect your co-workers no matter how small their job maybe. Respect is also being honest, kind, compassion, and loyal to yourself and others.

Respect is important because it helps you to choose good friends and strength your character. Respect is something earned. It also taking people's feelings, needs, and thoughts into consideration. Respect can not be demanded or forced even though some people thinks so. 

Here are some ways to show and earn RESPECT:
  • Ask people how they feel.
  • Voluntarily making changes and compromises to accommodate their feelings, desires, and needs.
  • Soliciting and allowing feedback, trying to understand them.
  • Give them the opportunity to solve their own problems without underestimating them.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Teamwork is a joint action by a group of people in which each person contributes his or her opinions and interests to the unity and efficiency of the group.  Teamwork also means to be alert to people's feelings, attitudes, insecurities, and be sensitive to them. The concept of Together Everyone Achieves More (T.E.A.M.), itself conveys the importance of teamwork at the workplace and other places. Working as a team allows more productivity and better solutions than if working alone. An advantage of teamwork is that the burden of responsibility is borne by all the team members and not just one individual.  In order to have an effective teamwork, we must learn to trust, be accountable, be committed, able to communicate, and manage time wisely.

 To improve my teamwork abilities, I will be honest, communicate with everyone, be accountable, and develop my time wisely.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012



Communication is the exchange and flow of information. It displays appropriate nonverbal (eye contact, body language) and verbal ( spoken / written) skills. Communication requires a sender and a receiver. When the sender and the receiver understand the information the same, then communication is more successful. Communication is one of the most important work ethics that can be used within the workplace or school. By communicating successfully will elevate problems before they occur. Also with communication comes respect.

To communicate better we should contacts instructors to report problem in a timely manner, ask appropriate questions related to the work or school assignments, and learn to interact with employers, instructors, and others. Things that I would do to improve my communication skills:

                         Think before I speak
                         Speak slowly
                         Listen more carefully
                         Make eye contact with the person I'm communicating with

   Improving my communication skills will improve my productivity. Here is a video showing how important it is to communicate effectively:


Monday, February 13, 2012



Productivity means to use your time wisely, do the most important things first, keep your work/desk area neat and clean. Learning how to follow directions and be sure you keep your mind on the task that you are doing.

Productivity will allow the students to locate their work much faster than others. Helps you to be more safe because of a neat and clean area that you presents. By learning to follow directions also will increase your productivity in the class as well as on the job.

Things I would do to improve productivity:
  • Have a neat and clean work/desk area.
  • Follow directions more carefully.
  • Make up my class/homework assignments.
  • Stay focus.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Organizational Skills-Work Ethics

           Organizational skills are managing the time you spend at work, to prepare for assignments at home, and to manage your life at home and work. They are skills that manifest in prioritizing and management of time and stress; demonstrate flexibility in handling change.There are things that you must do to organize effectively:

  • Believe- As you enter into your school or work place, believe that you are in control.
  • Ask for help- Help comes in many forms so ask for it.
  • Prioritize- Whats most important?
  • Set Timetables- List what you have achieved and what is still pending.
Organizational skills are important because it will cut down on being stress out. It will eliminates unnecessary ineffectiveness and enables an individual to efficiently perform his/her assignments. Also without good organizational skills could cause you to fail in completing your assignments on time.

To improve my organizational skills, first I would prepare for class, use a weekly planner for my classroom assignments and use available resources to complete my assignments.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Work Ethic - Attendance

Work Ethic - Attendance

Attendance means attending classes, arrive/leave on time, notify the instructor in advanced of planned absences and being late. The student's attendance affects the success of the individual and the class. It's very importance to maintain a good attendance record or established a good record. This will impacted the life of the student after he/she finished college or school. Having a good attendance record will allow you to complete assignments on time, take exams as scheduled, you would not get behind.

Attendance equals reliability. Good attendance would allow the student to meet his/her goals and boost productivity. Attendance is just important in the workplace, also. To improve my attendance, I would make school a high priority, keep my schedule, and plan to get enough sleep, and make sure I inform my instructors of planned absences and being late.